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2 May 2017
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According to, summer isn’t just fun, it’s also good for your health! Sunshine and warm weather provides some very significant benefits to our health and well being. Sunlight helps to regulate almost all our bodily processes, as well as acting as psychological encouragement to improve our lifestyle. Here are the top reasons why summer is just what the doctor ordered.

Reduces the chance of certain medical conditions

Research indicates that you are less likely to die from a heart attack in the warmer months than in the colder months. In a study of almost 11,000 people who had heart attacks over a period of nine years, survival rate increased by 19% if the attack occurred in the summer. Higher levels of Vitamin D are also thought to play a protective part in those who suffer heart attacks. Ultraviolet light converts cholesterol to Vitamin D, therefore this is good news for those who suffer from high cholesterol. Research has also shown that sunlight plays a vital role in fighting several chronic illnesses. Vitamin D, which is essential for the absorption of calcium, is associated with diseases such as osteoporosis if people do not receive enough of it. Several studies have also shown that ovarian, breast, and colon cancers are slowed by contact to sunlight.

Promotes healthier eating

Increasing temperatures and more availability of summer fruits and vegetables make it easier to fulfil the recommended servings a day. Fruit like strawberries are high in Vitamin C and contain phytochemicals, whose antioxidant activity helps prevent chronic diseases such as cancer. They also boost the immune system and, because of their low-calorie content, help with weight loss. Calorie intake in general is lower in the summer because increased body temperature makes us less likely to reach for the sugary and fatty comfort foods.

Relieves skin problems

Controlled exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can have a therapeutic effect on skin complaints such as acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis. It is better to walk around in daylight rather than sitting directly exposed to the sun for any length of time because sunburn remains a key factor in causing skin cancer. The therapeutic effects of the sun occur just below the level of turning skin red. Most fair skins can tolerate up to 15 minutes of direct exposure before the skin turns pink. After that, lotion with a SPF of 30 should be applied.

Increases agility

The summer is an excellent time to begin an exercise program. The feel-good factor created by sunlight boosts our willingness to begin a fitness regime. Exercise is not only the most effective way to burn up extra calories, but it also improves the flow of oxygen to the brain, lowering stress levels.

Increases our water consumption

Water is vital to thousands of chemical processes that take place in the body’s cells to enable it to function. These include promoting digestion, regulating body temperature, improving the health and vitality of our skin, and flushing toxins from the body. In the summer months, we are more inclined to drink the recommended amount of water a day needed for best health. The more fluid your body loses, the more you need to drink.

Helps regulate sleep disorders

Waking up to the sun and getting early morning contact to its rays can help those suffering from sleeping disorders like insomnia. This is because sunlight helps the body’s internal biological clock reset itself. Sleep experts recommend exposure to an hour of sunlight between 7am and 9am each morning to help those who have problems getting to sleep at night.

Here on Kiawah Island, summer has always been our favorite time of the year. This article just deepens our love for the season. If you would like to soak up the sun’s rays on our beautiful beach, we have a myriad of vacation rentals available to you. Remember, it’s good for your health!